Welcome to the
South Chilterns
Catchment Partnership
As part of the national Catchment Based Approach initiative, we bring together a wide range of stakeholders to identify and facilitate better environmental outcomes across the South Chilterns Catchment Partnership area, working to involve and represent those stakeholders and the wider community in the decision making process.
Partnership Projects
Our projects provide a range of environmental, social and economic benefits and protect our precious water environments for the benefit of people and wildlife.
The South Chilterns Catchment
The South Chilterns catchment is the southern half of the Thame and South Chilterns that in turn forms part of the Thames River Basin District.
The catchment includes parts of both the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and the North Wessex Downs (AONB). The boundary between the two areas is marked by the River Thames.
Though both areas are chalk uplands, their character differs. The North Wessex Downs AONB includes both uplands and lower land towards the Thames, while the Chilterns AONB is generally of a more enclosed and wooded nature. It has three distinct geographical areas:

River Pang
In the West is the River Pang, a chalk stream rising in a rural area flowing through West Berkshire to enter the River Thames at Pangbourne.

River Thames
The navigable River Thames flowing through the middle of the catchment between Wallingford and Cookham.

River Wye
In the east is the River Wye, an urban chalk stream rising near High Wycombe and entering the Thames at Bourne End.
The Partners
This is a inclusive, civil society-led initiative and partners include Local Authorities, Water Companies, businesses, landowners, NGOs and more, to collaborate at a river catchment scale. We have three Catchment Hosts, and individual action plans for the distinct catchment areas.
The Chilterns Chalk Streams Project focusses on the chalk streams in the north.
Thames 21 focuses on the navigable river Thames through the centre.
ARK focusses on the Pang and the Wallingford Brooks in the south.
Other members of the partnership are:
- Environment Agency
- Forestry Commission
- Kennet Valley Fisheries Association
- Little Marlow Lakes and Countryside Park
- Natural England
- North Wessex Downs AONB
- Pang Valley Flood Forum
- Reading University
We are keen to ensure that everyone who wants to work together to improve the rivers in the South Chilterns Catchment can do so.
Our Vision
“A healthy and sustainable water environment throughout the South Chilterns catchment area in which all significant water bodies achieve and maintain Good Ecological Status, and:
The waterscapes and heritage assets of the catchment, the iconic River Thames in particular, are protected, enhanced and valued by all.
People of all ages value and enjoy the water environment and participate actively in its management.
Our globally rare chalk streams function naturally and are sustainable. Wildlife thrives throughout the catchment.
River flows throughout the catchment are managed sustainably.
Surface waters are of good quality, supporting rich and sustainable ecological diversity throughout the catchment.”
Our Catchment Plans
Reflecting the diverse nature of the catchment we have individual catchment action plans for the distinct catchment areas.
Pang Action Plan
Thames Action Plan
Chilterns Streams Action Plan
Pang Action Plan
Thames Action Plan
Chilterns Streams Action Plan